Do You Have Endo?

Please review the following questions, and consider if they apply to you. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, please discuss them with a trusted adult, general physician and/or gynecologist. You could have endometriosis.

Do you experience so much pain during or around your period that you find yourself unable to attend school or social functions, or go about your normal routine?


Do you take over-the-counter medication (e.g. Motrin/Pamprin) to help with your monthly cramps?


If yes, do you find yourself taking more and more medication over time?


Do you have any relatives that have been diagnosed with endometriosis?


Do you find yourself feeling bloated or having abdominal tenderness at any time in your cycle?


Do you experience gastrointestinal symptoms during your cycle such as nausea or vomiting and/or painful abdominal cramping accompanied by diarrhea and/or constipation?


Do you have a history of fatigue and/or a lower immunity (i.e. “sick and tired” all the time)?


Do you have a history of allergies that tend to worsen around your periods?
